
Friday, April 27, 2012

Bi-centennial Park, Homebush NSW. 27th April 2012

Although this large park has both natural and well planted out areas it was the flowering weeds that caught my eyes on this outing. 

Cobbler's Pegs, Farmer's Friend - Bidens pilosa

Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale

Common Sowthistle - Sonchus oleraceus

Fireweed - Senecio madagascariensis

Canola, Rape - Brassica napus
Canola, Rape - Brassica napus, and friend

Onion Weed - Nothoscordum inodorum

Paddy's lucerne - Sida rhombifolia

Clover - Trifolium spp.

Blue Potato Vine - Solanum wendlandii

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday at home - 20th April 2012.

                           Some of the plants flowering in our garden at this time in Autumn.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Cyclamen Sp,

Syzygium wilsonii -
 Powder Puff Lilly Pilly  (new growth

Bougainvillea - 'Bambino Bougs'

Stenocarpus sinuatus - Firewheel Tree

Banksia spinulosa - Hairpin Banksia

Anemone hupehensis - Japanese Wind Flower

Hoya australis  -  Waxflower