Found two out of the three targeted species today, but in the progress scored a bonus. Christmas Bells and Hyacinth Orchid were 2 of the 3 with the missing one, once again, was the Snake Orchid, found one with seed pods but no flowers. The bonus was a second species of Hyacinth Orchid.
A surprise was finding a white Tetratheca (Black-eyed Susan) as these are usually pink.
To warm to go far and too many things to do at home, so it's another 'let's see what's in the garden' on a Black Friday (Friday the 13th) episode.
Salvia micophylla - 'Hotlips'.
Banksia serrata - Old Man Banksia (native in the Sydney region).
Commelina cyanea - Scurvy Weed (native in the Sydney region).
The leaves of this plant were eaten by the first settlers to ward off scurvy as they had no fresh fruits.
A 'lacecap' type Hydrangea.
Epacris longiflora - Fuchsia Heath (native in the Sydney region). .
Angophora bakeri - Narrow-leaved Apple (native in the Sydney region).
Flowers on the tree and one that's fallen in a birdbath.
This was a Tulip Flowered Geranium but has reverted back to one of the parent flowers.
Grevillea juniperina - Juniper Grevillea.
An endangered plant local to the Sydney region.
Geitonoplesium cymosum - Scrambling Lily (native in the Sydney region).
Veronica plebeia - Trailing Speedwell, Creeping Speedwell (native in the Sydney region).