
Friday, August 23, 2013

Composite - Friday, Saturday and Monday.

This is a composite effort, Friday, Saturday and Monday.
Friday was cold and windy day and was mainly spent out with friends but did included a short time showing them some wildflowers in Brisbane Waters National Park.
Saturday Lynn and I went on part of the Boudii Coastal Walk where I was able to sneak in a few floral shots, more photos from this walk can be seen here:  Gumnuts....and Other Stuff.
 Mondays flowers were from a drive through the Watagan Mountains, more photos from this drive can be seen here:  Gumnuts....and Other Stuff.

The 3 locations.

Telopea speciosissima  -  NSW Waratah.
Brisbane Waters National Park.

Boronia pinnata  -  Pinnate Boronia.
Brisbane Waters National Park.
Leucopogon parviflorus  -  Coast Beard-heath.
If only these flowers were the size of roses.
Boudii Coastal Walk.

Viola hederacea  -  Native Violet, Ivy-leaved Violet.
Boudii Coastal Walk.

Histiopteris incisa  -  Bat's Wing Fern.
Boudii Coastal Walk.
Comesperma ericinum  -
  Pink Matchheads / Heath Milkwort.
Boudii Coastal Walk.
Kennedia rubicunda  -  Dusky Coral Pea.
Boudii Coastal Walk.

Epacris longiflora  -  Fuchsia Heath.
Boudii Coastal Walk.
Pomaderris sp   ( lanigera ??)
Boudii Coastal Walk.
Westringia fruticosa  - Coastal Rosemary.
Boudii Coastal Walk.
Thelymitra ixioides  -
 Spotted Sun Orchid, Blue Sun Orchid.
Watagan Mountains.
Dracophyllum secundum  -  Necklace Heath.
I've been wondering for a while what the flowers of this plant looked like.
Watagan Mountains.
Hibbertia sp    (dentata ??)
Watagan Mountains.
Clematis sp.
Watagan Mountains.
Pittosporum undulatum  -  Native Daphne, Sweet Pittosporum, Snowdrop Tree.
Watagan Mountains.

Senecio sp.
Watagan Mountains.

Coronidium (Helichrysum) elatum  -  White Paper Daisy, Tall Everlasting.
Watagan Mountains.
Inigofera ausralis  -  Native Indego.
Watagan Mountains.

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen.

Spotted Quail-thrush.
Watagan Mountains.

This Lace Monitor  (Goanna), which was walking along
 the road, escapes by climbing a tree.
Watagan Mountain.

This Lace Monitor  (Goanna) was trying to get food scraps out of a rubbish bin.
Watagan Mountains.

Beetle enjoying a sweet meal.
Boudii Coastal Walk.
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Friday, August 16, 2013

Mount Penang Gardens. 16th August 2013.

A garden of both native and exotic plants, mostly aimed at being drought tolerant and water saving.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Arctotis – (Nature’s Wonders Colours of Africa) – Hannah.
Euphorbia grandicornis  -
 Cow's Horn Euphorbia, Big Horn, Rhino Thorn, Zig Zag Cactus).
Grevillea insignis  -  Wax Grevillea.
A collection of Bromeliads.
 View of one of the beds.
Ready to Explode.
Protea cynaroides  -  King Protea.
Protea cynaroides  -  King Protea.
Xanthorrhoea australis  -  Grass-tree.

Banksia ericifolia  -  Heath-leaved Banksia
                                                   and  Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.
Not sure what it is, I'm just glad it wasn't hungry.
Coronidium elatum   'Downunder Wonders'.
Euphorbia tirucallii  -
 Tricolour Pencil Cactus, Firestick Plant, Indian Tree Spurge.
Brachychiton rupestris  -  Queensland Bottle Tree.
Isopogon anemonifolius  'Drumsticks Yellow'.
Arctotis and gum tree.
Euphorbia caput-medusae   -   Medusa's Head.
Cereus peruvianus mondtrosus  - 
Curiosity Cactus, Monstrose Apple Cactus.
Alyogyne huegelii  - Lilac Hibiscus 'West Coast Gem'.

Grevillea   (Orange Marmalade ?)

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Click on bird name for more information.
Mallard      (feral)


Straw-necked Ibis 

Australian Coot

Australasian Grebe   

Dusky Moorhen

Chestnut Teal

Purple Swamphen

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