
Friday, January 24, 2014

In The Garden at Home. 24th Jan 2014.

Twelve stitches in my arm from a procedure yesterday meant no travelling today, so it was up to the home garden to provide some material for today's episode.
All these plants, except for the Peace Lily which is in a container, are growing outdooors in the ground.

(Google blogger has had some problems uploading over the last few weeks, so if this looks a bit different on your screen (like a bit all over the place, as it does mine) that's the reason.)

Euphorbia milii  -  Crown of Thorns, Christ Plant, Christ Thorn.

Melastoma affine  -  Blue Tongue, Native Tibouchina.
I have seen this growing in the wild on Cape York (Northern Queensland).

Abutilon  -  Japanese / Chinese  Lantern.

Fuchsia (this one grows to over 2 meters).

Allocasuarina torulosa  -  Forest She-Oak
The rough corky bark is good for growing epiphytec orchids on, I will have to try it out.

Sun Flower self grown from spilt seed from feeder.

And just as spectacular, in a different way, before opening.

Melaleuca laterita  -  Robin Redbreast Bush.


Spathiphyllum  -  Peace Lily.

Brillantaisia nitens -  Tropical Giant Sage, False Tropical Sage, Tropical Giant Salvia.

Eremophila polyclada x divaricata  -  'Sumertime Blue'

I believe this may be, Ruscus hypophyllum  -  Large Butcher's Broom.
The flower, which emerges from the middle of the leaf, has finished leaving the stems looking like a jumping spider

Fuchsia  'Thalia'.

Tropical water lily,   Director Moore. 

Salvia uliginosa  -  Bog Sage.
A favourite with the native bees in the garden.

Zephyranthes grandifolia  -  Rain Lilly.
A regular flower after heavy rain or a good watering.

Echinopogon caespitosus  -  Tufted Hedgehog Grass, Echidna Grass (native).
One of my favourite local grasses.

Zephyranthes candida  -  Storm Lilly.
I often mistakenly call this a Crocus (as in one of my recent journals).

Lavandula latifolia - Spike Lavender, Portuguese Lavender.
That's what I think this summer flowering lavender in called.

Dracaena marginata  -  'Colorama'.

Grevillea sericea  -  'Collaroy Plateau'.
This is this plants first flowers.

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Looks like this Lady Beetle has just had a wax and polish.

Paper Wasp.
One of its back legs seems to be vibrating against the flower. Is this to get the its prey to react somehow to the
vibrations letting the wasp know there's a possible meal available?

This is the smaller of the 2 paper wasps that 
call the backyard home.

An Ant Lion carries the remains of his victims around as a home.

Friday, January 17, 2014

No outing - 17th Jan 2014

Couldn't see the fun in going out in high temperatures with a pinched nerve in my neck.

Mount Tomah  -  June 2013

Friday, January 10, 2014

Kirkland Rd East Kangaloon. Near Robertson.

One and a half hours and some 130kms (81 miles) from home and I was in the scenic, cooler, and greener, Southern Tableland region.
Inspired by someone I follow on Facebook, I thought I would try out some different territory and hopefully come up with something new. The plant I used as a target eluded me but three others, new for me, made this this a enjoyable trip.

Glycine tabacina  -  Variable Glycine, Love Creeper, Vanilla Glycine, Glycine Pea.
A new species for me.

Persoonia linearis  -  Narrow-leaved Geebung.

I'm pretty sure the following 6 photos are all,  Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid, which is another new species for me (yay). There were so many I couldn't decide which ones to leave out.
Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid

Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid

Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid

Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid

Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid

Dipodium roseum  -  Rosy Hyacinth Orchid

Hibbertia scandens  -   Climbing Guinea Flower,  Golden Guinea Vine, Snake Vine.

Cassinia sp.

Viola hederacea  -  Native Violet, Ivy-leaved Violet.

Persoonia lanceolata  -   Lance-leave Geebung.

Muellerina eucalyptoides  -  Creeping Mistletoe.
I haven't seen mistletoe growing so low to the ground on a eucalypt trunk before.

Muellerina eucalyptoides  -  Creeping Mistletoe.

Lomatia silaifolia  -  Crinkle Bush.

Solanum aviculare  -  Kangaroo Apple.

Clematis aristata  -  Traveller's Joy, Goatsbeard, Old Man's Beard .

Cryptostylis leptochila  -  Small Tongue Orchid.
Another new species for me.

Wahlenbergia sp.
Could be two different species.

The Following Could Be Introduced Species. 

All these plants were growing in drainage lines (gutters) along the roads where they would receive more runoff water and nutrients. 

No idea what any of theses low growing herbs are.

Bottom left is a Buttercup, the top left is a Geranium (could be native), seen something similar to the top right growing
in the Snowy Mountains and no clues to the bottom right.

Prunella vulgaris  -  Heal-All, Heart-of-the-Earth, Self Heal.
Once thought to be a native but now classed as introduced.

No clues on this tiny charmer.

Well we all know what this thorny weed is. The ones I ate were still a little sour, better in a couple of weeks.


Some nice rural tableland scenery around here.

Had to stay close to the road as it was all Catchment Area.

Very green roadside vegetation.

FEATHERS, FUR and COWS........................Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

There were a lot of these skinks sunning on a dry-stone wall.

Tiny moths.

These were the first Alpacas I have seen that have been freshly clipped. The Suffolk Lambs are not so lucky,
being bred for the table, not cardigans.

Curious Cows.

We are now friends on Facebook.