
Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning in the Garden.

Its been a while (March) since I added an entry to this blog, so I thought I might sneak one in before the year had gone. 
On Christmas morning, before the family start to arrive for lunch, I did a quick run around the garden to get this lot together.  Lets hope I can get out more in 2016.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Native Hibiscus

Euphorbia milii  -  Crown of Thorns, Christ Plant, Christ Thorn,  with visitor.

Yet to find a name for this plant.

Bursaria spinosa  -  Sweet Bursaria, Black Thorn.     (native)

Bursaria spinosa  -  Sweet Bursaria, Black Thorn.     (native)

Brillantaisia nitens  -  
Tropical Giant Salvia. Billantaisia nitens  -  Tropical Giant Salvia.


Bromeliad flower.

Brassia verrucosa  -  Warty Brassia.
Orchid native to Central and South America.


Some of our salvias  (far right, Salvia uliginosa  -  Bog Sage).

More salvias   (Salvia micophylla  -  'Hotlips', top left)

Strawberry flower

Fruits of Ardisia crenata  -  Coral Ardisia.

Campanula  -  Bellflower

Anigozanthos flavidus  -  Kangaroo Paw  (native).

Peace Lily

Goodenia ovata  -  Hop Goodenia  (native)

Crinum pedunculatum  -  Swamp Lily.     (native)


Calibrachoa hybrid  (similar to 'Million Bells')

Banksia serrata  -  Old Man Banksia  (native in the Sydney region).

Banksia Robur  -  Swamp Banksia.       (native)

Glycine sp.  (local native)

Cactus flower.....blink and its gone.

Native Violet  (Viola hederacea)

Correa  (native)

Zephyranthes candida  -  Storm Lilly.

Zephyranthes grandifolia  -  Rain Lily

NSW Christmas Bush.

Dieing leaf of the Native Lasiandra (Melastoma affine).

Plectranthus sp.,  local native.

Justicia carnea  -  Jacobinia, Flamingo Flower, Brazilian Plume.

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Rainbow Lorikeet.

Crested Pigeon

Eastern Water-skink.

Dragon Fly.

A friendly fly.


King Parrot, male and female.

Native bee, Lipotriches sp. in a night roosting group.

Native bee, Lipotriches sp. 

Camera:  Canon PowerShot SX60 HS