
Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning in the Garden.

Its been a while (March) since I added an entry to this blog, so I thought I might sneak one in before the year had gone. 
On Christmas morning, before the family start to arrive for lunch, I did a quick run around the garden to get this lot together.  Lets hope I can get out more in 2016.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Native Hibiscus

Euphorbia milii  -  Crown of Thorns, Christ Plant, Christ Thorn,  with visitor.

Yet to find a name for this plant.

Bursaria spinosa  -  Sweet Bursaria, Black Thorn.     (native)

Bursaria spinosa  -  Sweet Bursaria, Black Thorn.     (native)

Brillantaisia nitens  -  
Tropical Giant Salvia. Billantaisia nitens  -  Tropical Giant Salvia.


Bromeliad flower.

Brassia verrucosa  -  Warty Brassia.
Orchid native to Central and South America.


Some of our salvias  (far right, Salvia uliginosa  -  Bog Sage).

More salvias   (Salvia micophylla  -  'Hotlips', top left)

Strawberry flower

Fruits of Ardisia crenata  -  Coral Ardisia.

Campanula  -  Bellflower

Anigozanthos flavidus  -  Kangaroo Paw  (native).

Peace Lily

Goodenia ovata  -  Hop Goodenia  (native)

Crinum pedunculatum  -  Swamp Lily.     (native)


Calibrachoa hybrid  (similar to 'Million Bells')

Banksia serrata  -  Old Man Banksia  (native in the Sydney region).

Banksia Robur  -  Swamp Banksia.       (native)

Glycine sp.  (local native)

Cactus flower.....blink and its gone.

Native Violet  (Viola hederacea)

Correa  (native)

Zephyranthes candida  -  Storm Lilly.

Zephyranthes grandifolia  -  Rain Lily

NSW Christmas Bush.

Dieing leaf of the Native Lasiandra (Melastoma affine).

Plectranthus sp.,  local native.

Justicia carnea  -  Jacobinia, Flamingo Flower, Brazilian Plume.

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Rainbow Lorikeet.

Crested Pigeon

Eastern Water-skink.

Dragon Fly.

A friendly fly.


King Parrot, male and female.

Native bee, Lipotriches sp. in a night roosting group.

Native bee, Lipotriches sp. 

Camera:  Canon PowerShot SX60 HS

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum, Faulconbridge. 6th March 2015

WARNING:   The following contains NUDITY.

I think the gardens here may have been more substantial in earlier times, but at present all the effort (the property is run by volunteers) is put into restoring the buildings.

Photos marked NMP have been, or contain material downloaded from the web, as photos are not allowed to be taken inside the buildings. 

Click on photos to enlarge.

Pelargonium and nude.

"Springwood",  Norman Lindsay's home, was built in the mid 1890's
for the Sydney department store owner Francis Foy. 
 (Francis Foy first named the estate "Maryville" )

Norman Lindsay's home.

Norman Lindsay in front of one of his painting, 1936.

Sea Horse Fountain

Sea Horse Fountain

I wondered if this was once a garden bed.

Inside gallery and his studio (bottom right).

Samples of his works.

.......... and now for something completely different, children's books.

Gazania and gravel path.

Nice lines.

Norman Lindsay Sculpture

Good use for an old bath.

The Satyr and Nymph plus Sea Horse Fountain.

Sculpture Garden and Studio.


Water Columns

Norman Lindsay Sculpture

Exaggerated use of cement joinery from earlier days.

Fungi making use of one of the old gaden beds.

Norman Lindsay's sculpture,  Balinese Dancer, C1927.

Peeking over the roof line.


Norman Lindsay Sculpture on pathway to pool.

That's Lynn on the

The swimming pool.

The swimming pool.

The local eucalypts were in flower.

Sphinx sculpture

Sphinx sculpture

Satyr sculpture

Another pelargonium.

Norman Lindsay Sculpture

Woman Holding Breasts

Smell the roses, or in this case, the oleanders.

         Rose Lindsay (Norman's wife) 1924.

Gumnuts and Gravel

Tropics in the mountains.
Bir's Nest Ferns.

I think it needs a cushion.

A forked Maritime Pine.

The Satyr and Nymph.
(let me give you a hand)

Pine Knot

New poster for the movie 'Sirens' which revolves
(very loosely) around Norman Lindsay and his models.

Cameras:  Canon PowerShot SX10 IS and Sony DSC-W690.