
Fridays Feather, Fur and Fang.

Feather, Fur and Fang.

Some of the Wildlife Seen While Photographing the Flora.

26th October.   Mt Annan. 2012.

Large Egret

Rufous Whisler  (male)

19th October 2012.  Mudgee.

Grey Kangaroo

Tawny Frogmouth

Honey Bee

Rainbow Bee-eater

Rainbow Bee-eater

12th October 2012.   O'Riellys Qld.

Crimson Rosella

Lewin's Honeyeater

Wonga Pigeon

Dingoes/Wild Dogs

Eastern Yellow Robin

Satin Bowerbird

Yellow-throated Scrubwren


Regent Bowerbird

Regent Bowerbird


5th October.     Quarry Rd.





29th September.     Brisbane Waters National Park ________________________________________________



21st September.       Boongala Native Garden ________________________________________________

Little Wattlebird

Double-barred Finch

Double-barred Finch

Water Skink

Rainbow Lorrikeet

14th September.       Wisteria Festival.   _________________________________________
Grey-headed Flying Fox  (Fruit Bat)

Grey-headed Flying Fox  (Fruit Bat)

Water Dragon

Water Dragon

Water Dragon

Common Carp  - Gunther schmida  (feral / introduced pest)

Dusky Moorhen

Grey Fantail



Bug  (lunch)

Damselfly with lunch

Grey-headed Flying Fox

7th September ........ Camden Haven ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pied Cormorant

Olive-backed Oriole

Brown Honeyeater


Scarlet Honeyeater

Scarlet Honeyeater

Crested Pigeon

Willie Wagtail

Pied Butcherbird

Grey Kangaroo

Feral cat.  Unfortunatly my car wasn't fast enough.

Lace Monitor  (Goanna)



 25th August  .... Parramatta Park  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feral honey bee on Grevillea.

Native stingless bee ?
(Trigona carbonaria?)
Termite nest (they normally don't wear hats
but the sun was out)

Hardhead (White-eye) Duck

Hardhead (White-eye) Duck

Pacific Black Duck

Little Pied Cormorant

Barking Owl
Barking Owl

Barking Owl
The Barking Owl was calling at 4pm and was only about 2 metres from the ground.

17th August..... Agnes Banks and Yellomundee -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Red Bull-ant


Red Bull-ant





Un-known birds nest.



Jacky Lizard






10th August....Mt Tomah Botanical Garden----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eastern Yellow Robin

English Blackbird


















28th July......Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Feeding marks made by
Red Triangle Slug.

Feeding marks made by
Red Triangle Slug.

Beetle (only notice after photo taken)

Golden Spiny Ant
(only notice after photo taken)















 20th/21st July.......Botany/Lake Parramatta  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Great Cormorant

Great Cormorant


Ausralasian Grebe



13th July......... Botany Bay National Park   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Humpback Whales (there were 6)

Humpback Whales

Black Cockatoos and Wedge-tailed Eagle

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos

Wedge-tailed Eagle


Small Skinks








Golden Whistler  (male)

















6th July.........The Royal Botanic Garden       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Noisy Miner feeding on the nectar from one of the Aloe sp.
 in the succulent garden.

Noisy Miner feeding on the nectar from one of the Aloe sp.
 in the succulent garden.

Australian White Ibis

Australian White Ibis

 Buff-banded Rail

Dusky Moorhen

Dusky Moorhen

Australian Magpie

Feral Pigeon

Masked Lapwing








29th June......... Ku-ring-gai National Park   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

New Holland Honeyeater

New Holland Honeyeater

Little Wattlebird

Little Wattlebird

Red Wattlebird

Red Wattlebird

Australian Raven

Golden-tai​led Spiny Ant  -  Polyrhachi​s ammon (?)

Golden-tai​led Spiny Ant  -  Polyrhachi​s ammon (?)

Leptomyrme​x sp.  -  Red Spider Ant

Leptomyrme​x sp.  -  Red Spider Ant



Cluster of sawfly larvae, 'spitfires'.

Wallaby foot prints.

22nd June......... Rookwood   --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Australin Magpie

Australian Raven

Red-browed Firetail (Finch)

Red-browed Firetail (Finch)


15th June.........Mitchell Park.

Purple Swamphen

Satin Bowerbird  (female)

Red Bull Ant (Myrmecia gulosa) attacking my car keys.






8th June......Mount Annan.


Golden Orb Spider

Red-bellied Black Snake

Red-bellied Black Snake

Paper Wasp

Australian Wood Duck

Purple Swamphen

Eurasian Coot

Australasian Grebe

Little Pied Cormorant

Pacific Black Duck

Common Wallaroo, female and joey.

Hardhead (Duck)

Red-rumped Parrot  (2 males 1 female)

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