
This Week in the Garden

Week ending 10th November 2012.

Hosta emerging after it's winter hibernation.

Last flower of a native lily.
(Arthropodium sp. (?) Vanilla Lily).

Brachycome sp.  -  Daisy.

The seed pod of a Cyclamen is all wound up
and ready to spring into action.

Week ending 15th September 2012 

Dendrobium speciosum  -  King Orchid

Dendrobium speciosum  -  King Orchid

Leptospermum 'Pink Cascade'  -  Tea Tree

Leptospermum 'Pink Cascade'  -  Tea Tree

Lavender and Hardenbergia

Native Clematis  -  Old Man's Beard

Pleione sp  - Orchid

Banksia Rose



Blue Bells

Week ending 25th August  2012

Billbergia nutans  -   Queen's Tears
  (from Brazil)

 Just like their cousins in the bush,
 my Kennedia rubicunda  -  Dusky Coral Pea,
is also showing off.


Philotheca (was Eriostemon)  myoporoides  - 
Long-leaf Wax Flower

Chorizema cordatum  -  Heart-leaf Flame Pea
breaking all the colour-clashing rules.

Primula malacoides

Week ending 18th Aug  2012

Grevillea juniperina.

Flower buds on Crab Apple prunings used as plant guards.

Flower buds on Crab Apple prunings used as plant guards.

Flower buds on Crab Apple prunings used as plant guards.

Week ending Sat 11th Aug 2012

Don't plant Magnolias over a path.

Hoping this is a Flannel Flower seedling.

One advantage of volunteering at a community nursery,
free plants.     Grevillea 'Collaroy Plateau'.

Goodenia ovata

Correa 'Dusky Bells'

One flower on the Cactus Orchid.


I'm experimenting with apartments for native bees.

Rat's Tail / Pencil Orchid

Rat's Tail / Pencil Orchid.

Rat's Tail / Pencil Orchid.

Hen's Eye, berries.


Flame Pea

The protective waxy winter seal is still on the Wollembi Pine.

The protective waxy winter seal is still on the Wollembi Pine.

Drummonds Wattle.

Grevillea juniperina.

A Cattleya ? orchid.

Week ending 28th July 2012


Magnolia and Bangalow Palm.

Eremophila maculata (Emu Bush) buds and flower.

They look like birds. (See last photos for the answer).

The Bok Choi has been thinned and the thinnings replanted.

Fruits of the Orange Thorn (Pittosporum multiflorum)

Self seeded Primulas.

First flower for the Greenhood Orchid
(Pterostylis curta)



Snowflake  (leucojum aestivale)

Grevillea venusta - Byfield Spider Flower

Must be winter, Poinsettia in bloom.

Christmas Cactus, hang on, it's only July.

I don't know what this winter flowering bulb is called.

This is the flying birds, Hadenbergia violacea. They look like
a lot of little Yosemite Sams.

Hadenbergia violacea seen from below.

Week ending 14th July 2012

Will have to thin out this crop.

Snow Flakes

Winter flowering Oxalis

I think these are some sort of Gladioli .

Grevillea  juniperina

Banksia Robur in bud.

I think this will be the first time my Acacia longifolia
has flowered (that's if the buds open). 

First flower this season for the Federation Daisy.

The only flowering double Jonquil.

22nd June 2012   

Seeding head of Japanese Windflowers (Anemone x hybrida)
look more like a mass of frog eggs.

The top and underside of a flowering fungi.



15th June 2012

Salvia sp.

Pittosporum  multiflorum  -  Orange Thorn

Leucojum vernum  -  Snowflake


 8th June 2012

Small bracket fungi, upper and under sides.

Stenocarpus sinuatus - Firewheel Tree

Grevillea venusta - Byfield Spider Flower

Cuphea micropetala - Tall Cigar Plant

 1st July 2012  1st Day of Winter.

Banksia integrifolia  -  Coast Banksia


Syzygium paniculatum  -  Magenta Cherry

A mystery plant that had suckered under the fence
from an ex-neighbour.

Oxalis sp.

25th May 2012

I wasn't at home on this Friday but at some friends place at Mudgee and these are photos of some of the plants in flower at their place.

Savation Jane, Patersons Curse - Echium plantagineum.

Mount Morgan Wattle - Acacia podalyriifolia.

Bramble rose

Female flowers and seed pods of Casurina sp. - She Oak.



 Yellow Gum -  Eucalyptus leucoxylon

18th May 2012

Tagetes lemonii


Correa baeuerlenii


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