
Friday, July 27, 2012

Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden. 27th July 2012

                                                Another perfect Sydney winters day.
This 123 hectare (304 acre) garden is dedicated to mainly local flora, both in planted out garden beds (a small area) as well as the naturally growing area, all accessed by a network of paths.
In 1805, Caley, the Botanist and Explorer, said "Every inch of ground I consider to be sacred and not to be trampled over without being noticed" when he was describing his findings to Sir Joseph Banks after examining the area. 

                                            Click here for more photos and habitat videos.

Hibbertia sp.  -  Guinea Flower

Gleichenia rupestris  -  Coral Fern

Styphelia tubiflora  -  Long-leaf Styphelia / Five Corners

Trails on tree tree trunks left by the native Red Triangle Slug
as they rasp away on the algae.

Boronia sp.

Banksia marginata  -  Silver Banksia.

Hakea sericea  -  Bushy Needlebush
Flower and seed pod.

Lindsaea microphylla  -  Lacy Wedge-fern

Hovea sp.

Caustis flexuosa  -
 Curly Sedge / Grandfathers Whiskers.

This is better than work ever was.

What do you call a group of  Drosera spathulata  -Sundews ?

Lichen and leaves.

Eucalyptus piperita  -  Sydney Peppermint .
also gets scribbles. Shedding old bark.

Eriostemon australasius  -  Pink Wax-flower.

'It's a boy'. Translucent seed pods of the Sweet-scented Wattle.

Lobelia dentata .

Leptospermum squarrosum  -  Pink Tea-tree

Naah, didn't hurt a bit. Acupuncture for fungi.

Phebalium squamulosum  -  Scaly phebalium

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