
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brisbane Waters National Park (mainly) 28/29th September 2012

New growth of a Grass Tree
pushing out the singed leaves
 after a fire.
(the only Friday photo)
It was a Saturday kind of Friday, as child minding and house inspecting duties cut short my flora photo taking jaunt for this week. Usually on my own, others don't appreciate stopping every couple of meters to stop and take (many) photos of some small object at the side of the track. Anyway I was able to get one photo on Friday and some more on Saturday while others didn't mind going on a short walk to a lookout and also the opportunity to see some big bold red Waratahs.
Click here for more photos.

One of the peas.

One of the peas.

Leptospermum sp.  -  Tea Tree

Eriostemon buxifolius ssp. obovatus
Box-leaf Wax-flower

Xanthorroea sp  -  Grass Tree

Patersonia sp.  - Purple-flag

Calytrix tetragona  -  Fringe-myrtle
Isopogan anethifolius  -  Narrow-leaf Drumstick
Tetratheca sp.  -  Black-eyed Susan
Livistona australis  -  Cabbage Tree Palm
View to the mouth of the Hawksbury River.
Cabbage Palms in forground.
Pultenaea rosmarinifolia  -  Bush Peas
Goodenia sp.
Kunzea capitata  -  Pink Kunzea

Conospermum longifolium ssp. longifolium
Long-leaf Coneseeds

Telopea speciosissima  -  Waratah (to be seen from afar)
Telopea speciosissima  -  Waratah

 Waratah, use to having it's photo taken.

Telopea speciosissima  -  Waratah

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