
Friday, September 7, 2012

Plants of the Camden Haven Area. 7th Sept 2012

The Camden Haven area on the mid north coast, is one of our favourite spots in the state, and it was here that we spent a couple of days to relax and unwind after a couple of stressful weeks due to the illness and passing away of Lynn's mother.
We spent Friday doing a walk around the 'Flower Bowl' track in the Kattang Nature Reserve and driving to a couple of spots in the adjoining Crowdy Bay National Park.
 I'm sorry that I can't name some of these plants as they are new to me, I've stepped a little out of my comfort zone. 
Click here for more photos.
Click here for photos of the whole weekend.

The well-named Coastal Banksia stands out against  the
background of the Tasman Sea.

Not sure.  Could be a Nematolepis (Phebalium) sp.

Caladenia sp.  (terrestrial orchid)

Astrotricha longifolia  -  Long-leaf Star-hair.

Boronia sp.

Must be Banksia serrata
(I was hoping for aemula)

Ricinocarpos pinifolius  -  Wedding Bush

Pittosporum undulatum  -  Native Daphne, Sweet Pittosporum.

Platylobium formosum  -  Handsome Flat-pea.

Comesperma ericinum  -  Matchheads, Heath Milkwort.

Dianella sp.

Not sure.  Dampiera sp.?

Not sure

Actinotus helianthi -  Flannel Flower

Viola hederacea  -  Native Violet

Thelymitra sp. (terrestrial sun-orchid)

Carpobrotus glaucescens  -   Pigface

Gompholobium sp.

Kennedia rubicunda  -  Dusky Coral Pea.

Coast tea tree (Leptospermum laevigatum)
overlooks Perpendicular Point in the distance.

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Casuarina equisetifolia  -  Horse-tail Oak
This is the southern limit of their distribution.


  1. Whatvisvthe name of the yellow Pea. It is flowering well at Kiata at the moment.
    So are a few others you have photographed. I liked the Banksia with sea in the background. Is that pink pig face a native?

    1. The yellow pea (Golden Glory Peas) belongs to the genera Gompholobium, but I haven't worked out the species yet. Yes the Pigface is native and can be found all along the coast.

  2. Great to see Bill, your video has steady-Cam - its very cool and smooth! S

    1. Good to hear from you Simon, thanks for the comment. Cheers, Bill.
