
Friday, October 19, 2012

Putta Bucca and Dangaroo, Mudgee. 19th October.

The last day of our holiday, being a Friday, I had to find some plants to photograph. We were staying with friends at Mudgee and they suggested we visit the new wetlands centre at the Mudgee sewerage works. 'Sewerage  works', this is like honey to a bee for a bird-watcher, plants and birds.
So today's episode is both a visit to the Putta Bucca Wetlands and a stroll over our friends 7 acre Dangaroo property.
Pretty, but feral (weed).
Even prettier close up, but still feral.
Feral poppy.
Not sure on this one.
This feral is popping up everywhere.
I've seen it Tasmania, Sydney, Mudgee
plus elsewhere that now escapes me.
A very large planter box. I would like to see this
hanging of my back decking roof.

Native or feral?
Native or feral?
Hooray a native 'paper daisy' and native bee.
Paper daisy.
Not sure on this one.
Native Goodenia sp.
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  1. Nice to see those lovely Paper Daisies. Love the planter box too, lol! I'm afraid I can't help with I.D.s on those other blooms

    1. The daisies were growing on a rocky hillside at our friends place. The others are a little out of my depth.
