
Friday, October 26, 2012

Mount Annan (Plant Coversations) 26th Oct 2012

"Stop that, it tickles"
 A little weird this week.
Some people talk to plants, so, what if plants could talk to each other ,what would they say?
( Talking Plants)
Click here to see other photos from today. (non-speaking plants can be seen in post below).

"Sit down in front, we can't see"

"I told them I would do it if they gave me 
just one last chance"
"Hey Mavis, we're just over here!"
"I just don't know how she copes with all those children"

"So that's where seeds come from"
Sex education poster for plants.
(male and female parts of a Wollemi Pine)

"Darling, I think I'm pregnant"

"I think you will enjoy it here in the Monastery"
"I couldn't help it, I was busting"
"Do you think anyone will notice us down here?"
"Breath, breath, now pushhhhhhh!"
"Yes, I didn't have any wrinkles back in those days"
Looking at old school photos.
"I always wanted to be in
show business"
"How come I always get one of these just
before a big date"
" I think Garry has a chip on his shoulder (he he he)"
"Aagghhhhh, I didn't want to go this way!!!"
"I think someone is getting a little jealous"
'I just wish I was a little different so I could stand out
in the crowd"
" I heard that Sam was found guilty
 and he was to be executed"
"Sam was rotten, so let this be a lesson to you all"
What the Judge said.

"I don't know why, but no-one
ever take my photo"

"She's not that pretty without her make-up on"

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Mount Annan (a little more serious) 26th Oct 2012

 Some of the rejects, taken at the same time as those in the other blog. I haven't labelled the plants I'm not sure of.

Scaevola  -  Fan Flower

Flannel Flower

Waratah  (white form)
Verticordia sp. (grandiflora ?) - Feather Flowers

Flannel Flower  (taken against the sun)

Banksia leaf

Banksia leaf and bud.

Banksia leaf and flower.


Scaevola - Fan Flower

Derwentia arenaria

Palm flower and trunk.


Sturt's Desert Pea

Alloxylon flammeum -
Tree Waratah / Red Silky Oak.

.Darwinia sp.
Paper daisies.
FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Fauna Seen Today.
Large Egret

Rufous Whisler  (male)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Putta Bucca and Dangaroo, Mudgee. 19th October.

The last day of our holiday, being a Friday, I had to find some plants to photograph. We were staying with friends at Mudgee and they suggested we visit the new wetlands centre at the Mudgee sewerage works. 'Sewerage  works', this is like honey to a bee for a bird-watcher, plants and birds.
So today's episode is both a visit to the Putta Bucca Wetlands and a stroll over our friends 7 acre Dangaroo property.
Pretty, but feral (weed).
Even prettier close up, but still feral.
Feral poppy.
Not sure on this one.
This feral is popping up everywhere.
I've seen it Tasmania, Sydney, Mudgee
plus elsewhere that now escapes me.
A very large planter box. I would like to see this
hanging of my back decking roof.

Native or feral?
Native or feral?
Hooray a native 'paper daisy' and native bee.
Paper daisy.
Not sure on this one.
Native Goodenia sp.
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