
Friday, December 7, 2012

Royal National Park, Curra Moors. 7th November 2012.

This walk had been on my 'to do' list from when I first started doing Flora Friday. Overcast skies for most of the near 8 kilometer walk were appreciated as we have had some pretty warm days recently.
A number of new species for me have kept my head in books and on the net and still haven't been able to sort them out, oh well, the idea of this blog was to give me something to do.
Click here for all photos and videos from today.
Blandfordia noblis  -  Christmas Bell.

Thysanotus sp.  -  Fringe Lily.
Xanthorrhoea macronema  - 
Bottle Brush Grass Tree.

not sure

Doryanthes excelsa  -
 Gymea Lily / Spear Lily.

Leucopogon microphyllus  -
 Small-leaved White-beard.

Lycopodium deuterodensum  -
 Bushy Clubmoss.

Persoonia levis  -  Broad-leaf Geebung.

Banksia Serrata  -  Old Man Banksia.
Variances of colour and size
of Banksia Serrata flower heads.
Patersonia sp.  -  Native Iris / Purple-flag.
Mitrasacme polymorpha  -  Varied Mitrewort.
Kunzea capitata  -  Pink Kunzea.
(end of flowering season)
Grevillea speciosa ssp. oleoides  -
  Red Spider-flower.
Darwinia fascicularis sp. fascicularis  -
 Clustered Scent Myrtle.
Red gum tips and trunks add a splash of colour
 where there was an absence of flowers.
New growth, on a Banksia oblongifoila, burst out like a
fireworks display.
Allocasuarina distyla  -  Scrub She-oak.
Hakea dactyloides  -  Broad-leaved Hakea.
Leptospermum sp.  -  Tea Tree.

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.       The Wildlife From Today.

Pied Currawong

Pied Currawong

One of the 'jumping' spiders.

The pollen gatherer.

New Holland Honeyeater.

An ant with a big head.

Fly/wasp, flies fast and makes a lot of noise.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Beetle feeding on nectar from a Hakea.

A small snake disappears into the ground litter.
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