
Friday, January 25, 2013

Castlereagh Nature Reserve 25.1.13

Nothing special today, some might say a waste of time. Me, I put it down as just a little speed-hump in the learning curve that is life.
I remember coming here many years ago, during spring, and the area was ablaze with colour but this time, in mid-summer, it was hard to find anything in flower. A return visit in spring will be required to show how colourful this reserve can be.
You could once drive you car though here, but the trouble was that some people took advantage of this by driving other peoples cars into here and then setting fire to them, reminders of these actions can still be found scattered about.

Persoonia linearis  -  Narrow-leaved Geebung

Prostanthera scutellarioides  -  Coast Mint Bush.

Looking more like a little alien is this seed pod of
 a Grevillea juniperina  -  Prickly Spider-flower.

Spent seed pods of a Prickly Moses Acacia.

Micromyrtus sp.  (possibly M. minutiflora (thanks to 'Unknown') )  
I was once King of my domain. This Ironbark is now
mainly termite fodder.
Goodenia bellidifolia  -  Daisy-leaved Goodenia

One of the peas. Possibly Dillwynia tenuifolia - Coastal Parrot-pea (thanks to 'Unknown')
. Plus the home of a Leaf-curling Spider.

Hakea sericea  -  Needle Bush, Silky Hakea.   (fruits)

Steel springs and Ironbarks.


                         FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.       Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Common Bronzewing Pigeon

Net casting spider's egg sac.

Golden-tailed Spiny Ant.

Spider's egg sac.

One of the leaf-hoppers.

Amenia sp (?) Golden/Yellow-headed Fly.

Meat ant and nest.

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  1. Hi Bill, nice pictures!
    I think your not sure might be Micromyrtus minutiflora, a threatened species. The pea could be Dillwynia tenuifolia, likewise threatened.
    Castlereagh NR is a beautiful place...

    1. Thanks 'Unknown'.
      I have updated the photos (at last). I have Dillwynia tenuifolia on my Sydney Wildflower blog ( ), hope that one is right.
      Regards, Bill

    2. Thanks 'Unknown'.
      I have updated the photos (at last). I have Dillwynia tenuifolia on my Sydney Wildflower blog ( ), hope that one is right.
      Regards, Bill
