
Friday, March 8, 2013

Mount Banks. 8th March 2013

Mount Banks, named after Sir Joseph Banks by George Caley in 1804. At 1,049 m (3442ft) Mount Banks can be seen from Sydney.  The first two-thirds of the walk, the terrain is the standard sandstone of the Sydney and Blue Mountains regions, with a thin, rough scrub. After this there is a volcanic basalt plug which gives rise to a different vegetated environment with weeds such as Scotch Thistle, Stinging Nettle, even Forget-me-nots growing because of the more richer soils.

Grevillea laurifolia  -  Laurel Grevillea
Mount Banks and The Grose Valley.

Bossiaea heterophylla  -  Variable Bossiaea

Eucalyptus sp.
Comesperma sphaerocarpum   -
 Leafless Milkwort, Fairies' Wings.
Darwinia fascicularis subsp. oligantha  -  Yew Scent Myrtle
Isopogon anemonifolius  -  Broad-leaf Drumstick
Actinotus helianthi  -  Flannel Flower
Mirbelia platylobioides  -  Large-flowered Mirbelia
Drosera spathulata  -  Common Sundew
Hybanthus vernoni  -  Erect violet
Epacris pulchella  -  NSW Coral Heath
Phyllota sp. (phylicoides  -  Common Phyllota ?)
Doodia aspera  -  Prickly Rasp Fern, Rasp Fern.
 ( fiery new growth)
Lambertia formosa  -  Mountain Devil.
 Fruit/seed pod, from where the common name comes from.
 Hibbertia sp.

Dampiera stricta  -  Blue Dampiera

Pyrrosia rupestris  -  Rock Felt Fern
Acacia terminalis  -  Sunshine Wattle
Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia
Philotheca obovalis (was Eriostemon obovalis)
 -  Wax Flower

Thysanotus sp.  -  Fringe Lily

Leptospermum squarrosum
 - Pink Tea Tree, Peach-flowered Tea Tree

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG. Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.
Grey Shrike-Thrush

White’s Skink  -  Liopholis whitii

Bugs mating.

Heath Ochre Skipper  -  Trapezites phigalia

Pollen covered beetle.

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