
Friday, September 27, 2013

Castlereagh and Agnes Banks Nature Reserves. 27th September 2013.

A chance to get back to a 'normal' Friday.
 First stop was Boongala Native Garden to check out which plants were being visited by stingless native bees.
 It was then onto Castlereagh Nature Reserve where I hoped the spring display would still be on. Not to be, very warm weather and no rain made for a pretty barren scene but I was still able to photograph some new plants for 'Sydney's Wildflowers and Native Plants', not being able to find enough here in flower it was then off to Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.
A 'Park Closed Due To Bushfires' sign on the gate at the reserve slowed me a little (if I was there yesterday I would not have gone in because of the hot dry winds) but as the conditions were a little cooler, humid and calmer (and I needed some more photos) I pushed on. There was a lot more colour here, even though it seemed to be the same 3 more 4 species it gave me more hope. It didn't take too long before I had found enough to keep me happy, and so with some more new species it was time to head home.

Kunzea capitata  -  Pink Kunzea, Pink Buttons.

The 3 locations visited today.

Dianella revoluta  -   Blueberry Lily, Blue Flax-lily,
 Mauve flax-lily, Black Anther flax-lily, Spreading Flax-lily.
Castlereagh Nature Reserve.

Ricinocarpos pinifolia  -  Wedding Bush.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Daviesia alata  (no common name).
Castlereagh Nature Reserve.

Dillwynia sp.  (not sure which one).
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Prostanthera scutellarioides   (no common name).
Castlereagh Nature Reserve.

Acacia elongata  -  Swamp Wattle.
Castlereagh Nature Reserve.

Xanthorrhoea sp.  -  Grass Tree.
 Boongala Native Gardens.
Native stingless bees with their socks full of pollen and the flowers, looking
 more like feeding coral polyps.

Xanthorrhoea minor  -  Small Grass Tree.
Castlereagh Nature Reserve.

Babingtonia  (Baeckea)  densifolia  (no common name).
Castlereagh Nature Reserve.

Philotheca salsolifolia  -  Philotheca.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Dillwynia sp.  (not sure which one).
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Brachyloma daphnoides - Daphne Heath.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Cymbidium suave  -  Snake Orchid.
A few weeks yet before the buds open up.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Isopogon anemonifolius  -  Broad-leaf Drumstick.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Burchardia umbellata  -  Milkmaids.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Mirbelia rubiifolia  -  Heathy Mirbelia, Wallum Mirbelia.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Calochilus robertsonii   (???) -  Purple Beard Orchid.
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.

Calochilus sp. Viewed from above.
 Is it the same as above, or is it Calochilus campestris?
Agnes Banks Nature Reserve.
FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Native Stingless Bee.

Wasp on Grass-tree flowers.

Female Blue Ant (Wasp).

Male Rufous Whistler.

Meat Ant on Scribbly Gum.

Ant Lion dens.
No rain sees them living away from over-head cover in the open.

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