
Friday, November 1, 2013

Mudgee Town and Common. 1st November 2013

This weeks photos were captured at Mudgee, some 3 hours by road from home.
I first went for a walk in Mudgee Common, which is over the fence to where we staying, but the pickings were pretty slim (lots of lichen though).
Not wanting to go far I decided to just do a walk around a couple of streets in town and take photos of the plants in the front yards of some of the older cottages. A couple of churches and a public park were also included to fill the gaps.
If you can't grow roses where you are, and you would like to, well this is the place to try your hand.
My other blogs related to this outing:

 Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos from Mudgee Common.
I'm not sure if this pea is native or feral.

I know this St John's Wort is feral.

This Lichen looks like a cross between 'Oscar the Grouch' and a 'Triffid'.

"I am not a vegetable".  Deformity in the stems of a Acacia sp.


Goodenia sp.

Lichen craters.

Xerochrysum viscosum  - 
Sticky Everlasting, Yellow Paper Daisy, Shiny Everlasting.


Part of the garden where we were staying. 

An easy on the eye courtyard.

Iris in the shadows.

Mudgee walk-around.


Roses were the dominant flower.


Aquilegia  -  Granny's Bonnet or Columbine.

Some plants had some colourful competition.

Great effect.   When you yard isn't big enough there is always the street.

A Lavender gets some  extra space while jealous Iris look on.

An explosion of roses.

St John's wasn't going to be outdone.

Just seeing what's going on out in the street.

These (I think they are) Gerberas seem to be saying, "pick me pick me!".

St Mary's have gone a little brighter.

These Hibiscus have a cooling effect.

A little hotter.

A corner full of colour.

Water Lilies in Lawson Park.

Water Lilies in Lawson Park.

The lady at number 113, kindly invited me to have a look at the plants in her backyard.

A cheerful Clematis.
Gold is not just restricted to the hills around Mudgee. 
There was a lot of colour around the yard.

A nicely coloured Honeysuckle.
The lady called this her "Purple Trumpet Vine".
Could it be  Clytostoma callistegioides ?
Kingfisher and red rose.
Standard roses welcomed you to the front door.
Clematis, climbing rose and water lily.

And just down the road, something completely different. 

Some don't require a garden to attract the camera.

FEATHERS, FUR and TONGUE.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.


Red-necked Wallaby.
White-browed Babbler.
Peron's Tree Frog.
Tawney Frogmouth. Can you see one of the young chicks under the mother (the 2 black dots are the eyes).
Musk Lorikeet
Long-necked Tortoise share a sunning log.
Dusky Moorhen
Common Bronzewing Pigeon.
A collection of bugs.
And ........THE TONGUE. Shingle-back Lizard.
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