
Friday, December 21, 2012

At Home on Christmas Week, 21st December.

Vounteer work at the nursery and then their Christmas Party gave me little time to go far but instead
 gave me the opportunity to get some photos taken in the 'home' back paddock.
Hibiscus geranioides  -  'Castaways'.  (native)

Euphorbia milii  -  'Somona'  (Crown of Thorns)

Brachycome    (native daisy)

These little fruits of this Saltbush explode in your
mouth like little rice-bubbles.  (native)
Bracteantha 'Strawburst'.  (native) 

Pineapple, which was planted by Lynn's

NSW Christmas Bush.  (native)
This was in a mixed packet of seed.

Grevillea juniperina  -  Juniper-leaved Grevillea.  (native)

Philydrum lanuginosum  - 
Wooly Frogs Mouth.  (native)
Blue Marguerite  -  Felicia amelloides
 Mentha sp.  (one of the native mints)

Crowea 'Poorlnda Ecstasy'.  (native)

Scaevola aemula  -  Fairy Fan-flower.  (native)

Correa reflexa  -  Native Fuchsia.
Solanum aviculare  -  Kangaroo Apple
Sweet Bursaria / Blackthorn  (native)
This is my 'Christmas Bush'.
The almost overpowering scent of the upside-down Orchid,
Stanhopea tigrina, can't be missed when it's in flower.

A collection of Pelargoniums.

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.       The Wildlife From Today.

One of the local Skipper Butterflies.

Water Skink.

Neon Cuckoo Bee  -  Thyreus nitidulus.

Neon Cuckoo Bee  -  Thyreus nitidulus.

Stephanopis barbipes (male).  One of the 'crab' spiders.

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