
Friday, December 28, 2012

Taronga Zoo 28th December 2012

Had a free pass to the Zoo that had to be used by the 31st of this month, so today's outing I was off to the deepest jungles, the frozen ice lands and the driest deserts of the world.
As I don't have a passport I would just have to settle on a trip by ferry to Taronga Zoo. Usually on my Fridays out I would, at most, only see 1 to 6 people but, today I had to share with 1000's, and it was a little off puting. Although Taronga is a very green and leafy place it is not a Botanical Garden and so it was a little difficult to get as many photos as I was hoping for (especially when everyone else was there to photograph the animals).
Don't know but it smelt nice, large tree..

There were a lot of native rain forest plantings.

At first I thought the flower the Lorrikeet was feeding on
was a Black Bean but now I'm not sure.

A Ginger flower.

This Cordyline leaf imitates a flame.

A Cactus flower overlooks 2 Andean Condors.
Fruits of a native Fig.
A Kangaroo Paw of the floral kind.
The Floral clock, which has been here since 1928.
Flower and fruits of a Davidson Plum.
Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem' .
Tree Waratah  -  Alloxylon flammeum .
Grevillea 'Honey Gem'.

An unfurling Tree Fern frond resembles an elephant's trunk.

A Cabbage palm stands tall over-looking
 the City.

Another native fig.
Stream lily in flower.
 ( I wish mine would flower)
FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.       The Wildlife From Today.

Spotted Deer

Meekat, the kids favourite.
 Carlos, or is it Mozart.

Giraffes, nowhere to hide.

A very protective mother.

Purple-crowned Fruit Dove.

On reflection he's not as bad as he looks.

Echidna. Anyone home?

Comodo Dragon.

Koala has a rest after doing 50 pull-ups.
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1 comment:

  1. The Silverback is such a magnificent creature. My favourite bloom in your post today is definitely that beautiful Stream Lily.
