
Friday, February 15, 2013

Blue Mountains Botanical Garden, Mount Tomah. 15th Feb 2012

After the last few hot Fridays my plan to find locations a little cooler, and, hopefully a few more plants in flower, paid off today with the visit to Mount Tomah. This Botanical Garden is home to a collection of plants from the cooler southern hemisphere, and, although it was a cooler day in Sydney, it was only 17C up here, still some 7 degrees cooler than down below.
The only disappointing aspect I could find with the garden is that not all the plants are labelled and so you will find below that there are a few photos with no description.

Click here for all photos from today.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Lillum speciosum
not sure
Erica sp. from Africa.

Protea sp. from Africa.
Erica sp. from Africa.
not sure

not sure

not sure, from Africa.
not sure
North America? not sure
North America? not sure

Gunnera prorepens, leaf.

Lilium lancifolium  -  Tiger Lily

Protea sp.  Africa.

Tradescatia caerulea  -  Spiderwort
South America, not sure.
not sure
not sure
Pholx paniculats   cv. Briadier
not sure

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG. Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

Butterfly on Sedum

Eastern Water Skink, variations.

Crimson Rosella

Spider on Dahlia

Superb Blue Wren.   Not fully coloured male.


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  1. Beautiful blooms. Those Heathers and the Proteas caught my eye. They are truly lovely. Loved the Superb Blue Wren too. What a gorgeous little thing. Fabulous photos once again. You do find the most wonderful treasures.

    1. Finding the 'treasures' is, mostly, the easy part, puting names to them is the hardest. Blue Wrens, lizards and the bugs are the bonuses. Thanks for the comment,it's nice to know that someone gets to enjoy them.
