
Friday, February 22, 2013

In The Home Garden. 22nd Feb 2013

Rain showers, doctor's  appointment, helping son and his family to move house didn't allow me to roam far today. A short sunny break allowed me to get some long overdue photos of some of the plants that are flowering at home in this last week of summer.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Tropical waterlily  -  'Director Moore'

Correa reflexa  (variety) (native)

Fuchsia 'Fascination'

Felicia amelloides  -
 Blue Daisy, Blue Marguerite (and cricket).

Justicia carnea  -
 Jacobinia, Flamingo Flower,  Brazilian Plume

Campanula  -  Bellflower

Hibiscus geranioides  'Castaways' (native)


Viola hederacea  -  Ivy-leaf Violet.  (part the native lawn).

New growth, Doodia aspera  -
  Prickly Rasp Fern  (native).

A collection of Salvias

Melastoma affine  -  Blue Tongue (native)

Torenia 'Blue' -  Bluewings
Stenocarpus sinuatus  -  Firewheel Tree (native)

Crowea exalata x saligna  -  Crowea 'Festival'  (native)
Zephyranthes candida  -  Autumn Crocus
Melaleuca laterita  -  Robin Redbreast Bush (native)
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  1. That's a great collection of fantastic blooms. Loved all the Salvias. The Firewheel Tree flower is just amazing, and the natives are lovely. That Water Lily is brilliant too!

  2. Bernie, thank you for the comment.
    I suppose we are lucky, in away, here in Sydney to be able to have a collection of plants from different climatic regions of the world. The native bees around here also love the Salvias. This is has been the best flowering display from the Firewheel Tree we have had, it may be due to all the rain we have had lately. The Water Lily is much better behaved than the 'hardy variety' I use to grow.
