
Friday, March 22, 2013

Canoelands Track - Marramarra National Park 22nd Mar 2013

I thought summer had finished but, with the temperature in the low 30'sC (low 90'sF) and high humidity it was long before the perspiration was running down my face.
Although there was still a lot in flower plus finding a couple of new plants (for me) to photograph, I found that I had to rely on photographing some species that I have recorded in recent blogs. Another gauge to show the scarcity of new subjects was, today I only took 173 photos instead of the average 300+.
 For me, today's highlight was finding a Hakea bakerana in flower. This is a plant (from seed I collected)  I have had growing at home for 15+ years and is yet to flower.
Grevillea buxifolia  -  Grey Spider-flower


Persoonia pinifolia  - Pine-leaf Geebung

Comesperma sphaerocarpum -
 Leafless Milkwort, Fairies' Wings

New growth,
Angophora hispida  -  Dwarf Apple
Pultenaea tuberculata (was elliptica)  -  Wreath Bush-pea

Acacia sp.

Corymbia eximia  -  Yellow Bloodwood

Ficus sp.  It looks like this Fig has struggled
 for many years in this harsh spot.

Hakea bakeriana  -  no common name.

Hakea bakeriana  -  no common name.
 Seed pod and opening buds.
(I have this species in my garden)
Bud, flowers, seed cone and shapes  -
  Banksia oblongifolia  -  Rock Banksia.
( I have this species in my garden)

Acacia hispidula  -  Rough Hairy Wattle
New life  -  Scribbly Gum
Persoonia lanceolata  -   Lance-leave Geebung

FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.       Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.
Tiger Moth 

Metallic Carpenter Bee

Copper-tailed Skink

Golden Whistler  (male)

White's Skink

Native cockroach

March Fly,  they bite!

Pied Butcherbird.  A bird very uncommon  in
Sydney sandstone country.

One of the jumping spiders.

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