
Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday in the Garden 29th March 2013

After minor surgery yesterday left me with 1 stitch in my nose and 10 more in my right shoulder, the threat of rain and Good Friday holiday traffic gave me little choice but to spend today at home and snap around in the garden. One advantage this week is, I don't have to spend hours working out the plant names.
So here's what's happening in our garden in our part of the world on this Good Friday.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Euphorbia milii  -  'Somona'  (Crown of Thorns)

Abutilon  -  Japanese/Chinese  Lantern

This little thing flowers most of the year
but I still don't know its name.

Syzygium paniculatum  -  Magenta Cherry
(Native, bush tucker)

Hypoestes phyllostachya  -
 Polka Dot Plant, Freckle Face

Commelina cyanea  -  Scurvy Weed

Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia
(native, bush tucker)

Austromyrtus dulcis  -  Midyim/Midgen Berry
(Native, bush tucker)

Crinum pedunculatum  -  Swamp Lilly

Cuphea micropetala  -
 Tall Cigar Plant, Candy Corn.
Wollemia nobilis  -  Wollemi Pine
Waxy seals starting to form to protect growing tips from winter cold.
Oh well, hope that whatever ate my strawberry enjoyed it.
Salvia leucantha  -  Mexican Sage.
I don't what its called.
 Supposed to be native, in the pea family.

Planted one of these, Pterostylis curta  -  Blunt Greenhood
 Orchid, last spring, this year three have come up.
I'm a happy boy.  (native)
Correa reflexa  (native)
Anemone hupehensis  -  Japanese Wind Flower

Bracteantha  -   Variety: Strawburst  (native)

Ardisia crenata  -  Coral Ardisia
Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaved Banksia
(native, bush tucker)

Davidsonia pruriens var. jerseyana  -
 Davidson's Plum makes a comeback after a
heavy prune about 7 weeks ago.
( native, bush tucker)


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