
Friday, August 2, 2013

Thilmere Lakes National Park 2nd August 2013.

This was my second visit to the Lakes to photograph the flora for this blog. The main purpose was to try and find ground orchids as well as, I hoped, other flowering plants.
Just about everywhere I stopped the car there would be Greenhood Orchids and, although the area was ablaze with bright yellow of the Wattles and Grevillea mucronulata was in full bloom, the full spring explosion was still to happen.
Other photos (nothing to do with flora) taken today can be seen on my Rust,Relics & Ruins blog .
Hardenbergia violacea  -  Purple Twining Pea.

One of the Bracket Fungi.

Hovea sp.
Not a common colour to find in the bush, I love it.

Not sure what this little fellow is.

Not sure of what this is either.

Moss seed capsules.

A fungus.

One of the Bracket Fungi.

Pterostylis concinna  -  Trim Greenhood.

Acacia decurrens  - Black Wattle, Early Green Wattle.
Part of the gold brigade.

I was just a week or two early for this orchid.

Acacia brownii   -  Golden Prickly Wattle, Heath Wattle, Prickly Moses

Grevillea mucronulata  -  Green Spider-flower.
This form had pointier leaves and was taller (over2 metres)
than the form I have seen closer to home and up in the
Blue Mountains

Coronidium elatum  -  White Paper Daisy, Tall Everlasting.

Gompholobium grandiflorum  -  Large Wedge-pea.
Just the one flower out on the bush today but wait until next week....WOW.

Pterostylis concinna  -  Trim Greenhood.
Growing right next to the road.
It wasn't until I was getting back into the car after
walking about 75 metres, both up and down the road,
that I saw the little gem next to the car. Once you get
 your eye in, the green coloured orchids start to stand
 out from the other green ground cover.

Acacia longifolia  -  Sydney Golden Wattle.
This was everywhere.

Pterostylis nutans  -
 Nodding Greenhood, Parrot's Beak Orchid.
Once again, growing close to the road, enjoying
the little extra light maybe.
FEATHERS, FUR and FANG.                 Some Of The Wildlife Seen Today.

This Eastern Yellow Robin didn't want to show his face.

The secretive Scaly Thrush waits until the light has gone before venturing
out from shade into the open.

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