
Friday, August 9, 2013

Waratah Trig Rd. 9th August 2013

Only had 1.5 hours to spare today due to other commitments, but it only took a couple of hundred metres to find these beauties in this top spot on the Central Coast.

Acacia oxycedrus  -  Spike Wattle.
Grevillea sericea  -  Pink Spider-flower.
Eriostemon australasius  -  Pink Wax Flower
Epacris microphylla  -  Coral Heath
Fungus growing on a piece of bark in the leave litter.
Comesperma volubile  -  Love Creeper.
Had been waiting 6 years to photograph this plant after seeing it growing
in Tasmania.
Zieria laevigata  -  
Smooth Zieria, Smooth-leaved Zieria, Twiggy Midge Bush.
Tetratheca shiressii      (one of the Black-eyed Susans, no common name)
The flattened stems of this Bossiaea scolopendria (no common name)
make it look more like a succulent.
Two Boronia sp. try to outdo each other.
Telopea speciosissima  -  Waratah.
This will be a spectacular sight when fully opened.
Boronia pinnata  -  Pinnate Boronia.
Banksia ericifolia  -  Heath Banksia.
Philotheca salsolifolia  -  Philotheca.
Hibbertia sp.
Conospermum longifolium  -  Long-leaf Coneseed.
I love the structure of this flower.
Boronias with a touch of red from grevillea.
Boronia ledifolia  -  Showy Boronia, Sydney Boronia, Ledum Boronia.
Dillwynia sp.  (possibly elegans)
Phebalium squamulosum  -  Scaly phebalium.
Like a miniature fireworks display.

Saw this ground orchid the next day so I thought I'd add it on the end.
Lyperanthus suaveolens  -  Brown Beaks.

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